If you're working late in your studio and your phone rings, chances are that you're getting a conference call from the Burnt Umbers. It's a small club for now—with only a handful of locals (206, 504, 315 and 718)—but a good one. With fellow painters to talk to, share work in progress and talk crits, you feel much less solitary in your studio.
Tur-pen-tine! Tur-pen-tine! Tur-pen-tine and rags!
I feel quite lucky to be members with such talented artists as Michael J. Deas and Steven Skollar . And every once in a while you get to hang out in real life and be goofballs.
Shown below: Airstream / 16" x 22" / oil on linen by Steven Skollar, Columbia Pictures logo / 21.5" x 40" / oil on panel by Michael J. Deas —and Michael and I in my studio during his visit to Seattle.