In 2001 I was visiting the Frye Art Museum ( to see a traveling show from the Smithsonian of Scheeler and other artists  ) when I came across a show by Gary Faigin. I stopped in my tracks.

These paintings were huge and colorful. They were portraits mixed in to roof tops and billboards. There were smoke stacks and fruit. Who was this guy?!

Turns out that within about a year we'd end up buying a house right next to him. 

It's been 13 years now and I am still inspired by this man's talent and career. And any time I get the chance to listen to him talk about painting or art history I will stop doing whatever else I'm doing and soak up as much as I can.

Above: Gary in his studio next doorBelow: Pics from his website courtesy of the artist

Above: Gary in his studio next door
Below: Pics from his website courtesy of the artist

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