It’s an understatement to write that the year 2020 hasn’t gone as planned. But it’s true. Still, the amount of perseverance I have witnessed from gallery owners, small businesses and scrappy artists has been incredible. Within a matter of months entire business models had to adapt to a world we only used to read about in Sci-Fi novels. It’s been impressive.
I am used to working alone, so that aspect of my life wasn’t any type of cold water in the face. For many days it was business as usual except for the newspaper headlines. It was business as usual except for when I needed groceries, wanted to visit with friends and planned for an art opening.
Would there be openings?
Turns out, yes!
Upon returning from down south we delivered all my new work. I never saw the weeks of boarded up windows all over Seattle so the gallery looked as as bright and beautiful as I’d remembered it. There were just new rules in place. We all wore masks. People were buzzed in to keep occupancy low. But they were still cranking.
Patricia had pre-sold many paintings before the opening happened. And if that sounds like a brag, it’s not.
I give her all the credit.
My show did in fact “open” on August 1st with an online catalog, virtual tours, a personal video and videos with Patricia. It was uncharted territory, but I have to say I loved it. It was so neat to see not just my show presented this way, but ALL the shows with all the artists presented this way. Personalities and process really came forward. And I really like it.
I still hope that one day soon we will get back to whatever normal is again, but I have to add that I am enjoying the creativity throughout these times and I hope some of that sticks around. This effort isn’t anything that should be taken for granted.
Here’s the gallery of all the paintings from my August show at Patricia Rovzar Gallery. Many are sold, but there’s still a few looking for good homes. Please enjoy. And thank you. Thank you. Thank you for supporting artists like me.
Contact if you see something that might need to come live with you.
Just hover the image to see its size and if it’s available.